Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This past Sunday at church the worship leader asked us what comes to mind when we hear the word 'God.' She paused for a moment to let us think before continuing on with the meditation. It was only for a moment, but the image I saw in my mind's eye was that of a child. A destitute child. Starved for love, acceptance, food, someone to teach them. This caught me a little off guard, and I wondered if it was only a glimpse, that I was imaginging this image because I thought that's what I SHOULD see, because I'm an education major. As I sat there in the pew pondering this possibility, it only became more clear to me that what I had seen was in fact what God had intended me to see. It felt like a confirmation, a calling if you will. It felt as if God was saying, this is the least of these, that's who I'm talking about. This is who I have called you to serve. And what's more, I'll share a secret with you, it was definitely a child in Southern Asia, or Northern Africa, a child of color. I've wanted to go to India since I was about nine years old. It felt like God was saying to me, stick with the education major, even though it's dragging, there's a purpose behind it, keep that passion and hope alive to serve internationally. Don't let going to India become some 3rd grade dream that never comes true. For this is what I have called you to do, this is who I have called you to be. This is who I am.

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