Tuesday, September 29, 2009

of homesickness and snickets, wonderful accents and biscuits

When I arrived in England, I said, I really need to blog. For the past three days, I've been saying, I really need to blog. But I haven't. Not that I don't want to tell you all how I'm doing and what I'm doing, but I'm busy doing! I'm trying to soak up my experience, but I'm missing writing about it in the midst of the experience. Also, every time I get onto the internet, I seem to email, or Facebook or Skype. These are great, and I have great conversations with people. But after every time I do talk with or email a lovely person back home, I am left with a feeling of sadness and realization that this is hard. I am homesick, and it is very hard for me to be away from those I love. Harder than I would like to admit. I would greatly appreciate prayer about this.

But don't think it's all bad, oh no. I'm living in England! This is a really wonderful place, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. The economy seems to be better here than in the states. It seems much more can be bought for a pound than for a dollar. The accents, are wonderful to listen to! Occasionally I have to ask someone to repeat what they said, but for the most part it's like a fairy tale to hear an accent. People of Asian nationality and with an English accent are harder to understand, but it's still fine. There's also happy little words and phrases. A snicket, is a small path that connects more major streets or paths, that's wedged in between buildings, or next to a more forested area. Cookies are called biscuits, and are served with tea or coffee, which is served after most meals. Whenever we've been to someone's home for a meal, afterward there has always been an offer of tea or coffee or another refreshing drink, often served with biscuits. We've picked up the habit, and have been drinking quite a bit of tea in our flat.

Finally, the countryside, my favorite part thus far. Last Friday, Angie, a lady from the Methodist church, drove us to her house and then she, her husband and their border collie, Nellie, took us walking in the woods/countryside. It was fantastic! It was quiet, and there was fresh air and there was green! "Well of course," you're thinking, "what else would be in the countryside?" But you see, I truly am a farm girl, and I had not been out of the city since the middle of August. This was a great deprivation for me, and the walk on Friday was a great refreshment. Also, my dog is a border collie, and I miss her greatly, so it was great to have a frisky Nellie running about and fetching a stick all the while during the walk. It was a dreary day, and they served us a lunch of hearty homemade soup and homemade bread, which hit the spot. After soup, they served us cheese and crackers, fruit and yogurt. Once we had enough of that, they served us coffee and tea. It was a wonderful day that left us ready for naps and our year ahead. That is all for now, hopefully the next blog will come sooner rather than later.



  1. How delightful to hear from you!! Am glad for your excursion to the country, it is indeed, the best place to be. Even out in the cattle pasture, I always feel it is a place to meet God in Peace!! This is our 3rd night of Public TV-watching documentaries on the National Parks. Last winter we read a book about John Muihr, so it is even more interesting as he is often mentioned for his "invention" of the parks. He led an interesting life, as a young man he memorized 3/4 of the OT & all of the NT. Amazing!! Leroy is playing Silent Night on his guitar. Is it out of season?? Our Bible Study group had a baby shower this morning for a little grandson of one of our members. It was lots of fun for us old grannies!! Yesterday I took in all the plants that could be housed indoors to hopefully save for next spring. I am already ready for spring!! It would b fine w me to skip winter, it makes me ache just thinking of cold!! @ the Power Show-a big Town celebration we have annually- I met your mothers friend/cousin Belva Tschetter-she was there w her display of Celebrating Home products, one of my 2 favorite kitchen things, (the other being your dads Cutco knives). Had a fun visit w her!!
    I promise to pray for u to not b homesick. I got very homesick til into my 40's, then it got better, now that my mother is in heaven, I again get homesick for her, not her last 4 years on earth, but the way she was before! I am so very happy for the time u were able to spend w her, she loved u so much, & sharing her love of the violin meant so much to her! I cry every time I hear a violin playing!! Well my dear niece, this is long enough, you are special & I pray for u to have a wonderful year of growing closer to your Father in heaven & sharing your life w the folks living in England. What a wonderful oportunity!! xxx & ooo's, Aunt donna

  2. Becca...good to hear you are paying attention to those places which help you to feel close to God..and that you are challenging yourself to seeing God at work in new places!

  3. Miss you Becca. Just know that I'm praying for you.
