Friday, September 4, 2009

God's Blessing Towing

So this past week I realized something. This year is going to be hard. I realize that sounds like the most elementary and no-brainer statement, but it's true, and in a sense I did just realize it. Yes I knew before this year that it's going to be hard, but I just now realized how, and how that relates to me.

This week we looked more in depth at the Enneagram, a personality test that describes nine basic types of people. We also met with our teams and the staff to talk about how we're doing, what's going good, and what we're struggling with. Then it hit me. This is hard. Before Wednesday, things were pretty peachy. All 18 of the participants here get along quite well, which is impressive and good. None of the information or topics we were discussing were hard for me to think or talk about. But when we started talking about me, that's when it became difficult. It's hard to dissect the what-fors and why-nots of me. I don't want to, but I will be thankful after I do.

It's uncomfortable to be looked at and examined with a magnifying glass, to lay things out on the table and discuss them. There are good parts about my personality to look at and discover and there are very good things happening to me because of this program. But there are also things that are ugly and uncomfortable. Not, this meeting is getting long and I really have to use the bathroom uncomfortable, but migraine uncomfortable. A migraine that won't go away. An uncomfortable that stays, it won't go away for an extended period of time, possibly this whole year. I also realized that I've never been uncomfortable for any amount of time. I've been uncomfortable in situations which I can shortly thereafter be comfortable again.

So, I'm learning to be uncomfortable. One last nugget to leave you with: today on the street I saw a tow truck that said God's Blessing Towing. People don't usually see the need to be towed as a blessing, let alone from God Almighty! But the tow truck coming to pick you up, may be seen as a blessing. Either way, I found it an interesting name for a towing company. I would usually pair a name like that with a daycare or a women's shelter. I likened this to my own experience. Being uncomfortable isn't seen as a blessing right off the bat, but what I learn through being uncomfortable will be 10,000-fold blessings.



  1. We never know where God will take us when we sign up with Him. Let God do the driving and you will go on a wild ride you will never forget!

  2. Keep paying attention to the hard stuff...even when it hurts :) you're doing good work here.....
