Saturday, July 12, 2014


This post is going to be exactly what is says, a list of my blessings.

-This morning I called my mom, and she asked if I wanted to talk to my niece.
"Of course!" I said.
I heard her say, "There's someone that wants to talk to you, tell her what you're doing"
So then I hear the most sweet princess voice on the other end say, "We are at the parade picking up CANDY!"
"Oh my goodness!  You're at the parade?  I wish I could be at the parade!" in my most excited voice.
"Yeah!  Do you want to come over?"
"Oh yes! I would love to come over, but I can't.  Do you know who this is?"
"This is Aunt Becca!"
"Yes!  I'm in Kansas but I SOOOO wish I could come to the parade with you!"

This child along with her brother and cousin give me so much joy!  I miss them like crazy all of the time, and I'm SO glad I get to see them in less than a week!!!

-Friends.  Just when I was ready to abandon ship on Western Kansas because it's lonely here, Jesus sprinkled fertilizer on my garden of friends. Jesus is using them to encourage me, look out for me, build me up, teach me and draw me closer to Him.  It's lovely!

-My parents.  They have lavished so much love on me over the years, I can't fathom it really.  I'm so thankful that they have given me such a godly example of a marriage and what it means to follow Christ.  They are honest about the joys and sorrows of life, and I am so thankful for that.

-Pie & Coffee!!!  Coffee because duh.  It's delicious, and needs no further explanation.  Pie because, also delicious.  But I also get to be a volunteer baker at a local coffee shop that's starting up!  Yay!  So excited!

-I have the best job ever.  It's stressful, and nerve-wracking and I am still learning what to do.  But I get to help children reach their potential, all the while seeing the light shine out through their eyes and getting to show them the love of Jesus in the best way I know how.

-Youth.  I get to work with youth at church this year!  It will be crazy, and they will try my patience.  But we get to build relationships and learn to love Jesus together.  I feel so honored to share with them things that Jesus has been teaching me, I'm really excited.

-Oh hey my hair!  I chopped it off this month and donated it for the 3rd time, so that's exciting! I'm glad I have hair that I can do that with.

So that's all for now, thanks for reading y'all!  I'll have more to add later!

This makes me smile! :)

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