Monday, April 19, 2010

the latter half of April

Hello again. We just finished a two week Easter break from school which was really great. We went to York, gardened, cleaned some, did some kids clubs and went to London, and to Bradford Diocesan Day.

Our trip to London was really great. Re-connecting with Mennonites again was so wonderful. While I've enjoyed my time in Bradford in Anglican and Methodist circles, I discovered that I'm a Mennonite. It just felt right when I reconnected with other Mennonites. It was comfortable, like a favorite pair of jeans that never really wears out, or a favorite food, that you could never tire of eating. Sure I love my other jeans and I love many types of food and I love being in diversity of culture and religion. But there's that one pair of jeans that always fits right, that one food that always tastes delicious no matter the time or place, and that one interpretation of Christianity that just fits right. I've thought about going back home and being completely comfortable with my family and in Mennonite circles and getting this feeling that I'm just running for cover in order to feel in my element like all my needs are met, and just staying there sheltered the rest of my life. My answer is no, I don't want to do that, I can't do that actually. Maybe when I'm 65 I'll come back to Nebraska or Kansas and settle comfortably in a Mennonite congregation, because really, that would be very nice. Maybe I'll do it when I'm 40, but not yet. I want to go back to the Mennonite church in the U.S. right now, maybe for a couple of years. Then I want to uproot and replant myself somewhere else again, somewhere where there's loads to learn, where I don't fit the mold of my surroundings. It might be in a Mennonite church it might not. It might be in the states, it might not be, but not both comfortable things at the same time. I must always be learning changing growing, never setting down long enough to let cobwebs appear, at least not yet.

This past Saturday, Tiana, Rachel and I went to Diocesan Day 2010, basically a conference or convention of the Bradford Diocese. It was held at Bradford Grammar School, a distinguished private secondary school. The day started and ended with worship sessions and was filled with workshops and refreshment breaks in the middle. It really was a great day to engage in faith-based discussions. It was a great atmosphere, with great speakers and workshops. It was interesting learning about the Anglican church this way-from the inside, not as an informed member, but not an outsider. I've been affiliated with the Anglican church for long enough to feel included, but I've not been in it long enough to be learned. Also with the knowledge that I won't be with the Anglican church or in England for much longer makes it feel like a passing learning experience, like I'm an onlooker, even though I'm in it. It's an unparalleled feeling.

In other news, today being the first day back in school, spelling tests were rubbish. If you're in school, or can think back to being in school, a break always makes it more difficult to progress. Even more-so from the teaching/helping side of the spectrum, it seems that learning has been forgotten over the break, the longer the worse. So if I could ask you to please pray for students and teacher, as they try to get back into the swing of conventional learning. Also, there are many teachers and students stuck abroad right now. Due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland, all flights are being held off in and out of the UK right now. The earliest I've heard of people coming back is Wednesday, that is if the cloud(s) of ash settle. The latest I've heard, is of people being stuck in Beijing until May 5th. Please pray for those stranded away from there homes as they may struggle with unexpected money or family issues. Also pray for businesses and organizations, especially schools as they deal with smaller than expected staff for a time. Finally, as I look forward to seeing the farm that I was raised on in about a month and-a-half when I go home briefly for a wedding, I no longer look forward to seeing my dog again. I received my dog, Blackie, a border collie as an early Christmas present in November 1997. About a week ago she saw her last days. Yes she was only a dog, but one of my best companions and favorite things about going home. She is greatly missed.

Thank you always for reading and praying,

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